Update on March 14, 2022

GasDynCalc is still on developing stage. We integrated GUI for two modes: stand alone and network. The stand alone mode is designed to calculate separate parts, such as duct, diffuser, heat exchanger, etc. The network mode is created to model the network of different devices.

Update on October 30, 2020

Currently, we are developing two codes: CFxD and GasDynCalc. We do not actively develop GTECalc. It has been tested and released. The basic functions are integrated and it is free to use. Since there is no any comments from users we do not have the plans to integrate advanced features.

GasDynCalc (update, October 30, 2020)

We decided to summarize the current state of GasDynCalc development.

  • GUI: on process,
  • Duct: basic functions,
  • Diffuser: basic functions,
  • Confuser: basic functions,
  • Heat exchanger: basic functions,
  • Compressor: basic functions,
  • Porous structure: basic functions,
  • Measurement Venturi: on process,
  • Control valve: on process,
  • Measurement Orifice: on process,
  • Ejector: on process,
  • Nozzle: basic functions,
  • Turbo-expander: on process,
  • Turbine: basic functions,
  • Dryer: on process,
  • X-Element: on process.

CFxD (update, May 1, 2020)

We tried all month to move to CAD engine Open Cascade. Unfortunately, it seems that it is not possible as we want to have a direct access to the key features. So, we are still thinking if we need to use a third-side engine to accelerate our development.

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