Current version is 0.2.25. The development time is 292 hours.
GasDynCalc (alpha version release)
We released the alpha version of GasDynCalc. The code is based on 1D calculation and fully free to use. Please, use it carefully as it is the alpha version. Let us know if you have any questions or ideas how to improve it. You can download it here.
Below there is a screen shot of program:

GasDynCalc (time update, 12.24.2022)
The current version is 0.2.16. The development time is 293 hours. We are planing to work hard during Christmas time in order to release an alpha-version before New Year.
GasDynCalc (time update, 07.15.2022)
Current version is 0.2.13. The development time is 261 hours.
Update on July 15, 2022
The GUI of GasDynCalc has been updated. Hopefully, we will release it before New Year. We are planning now to verify all implemented devices.
Update on March 14, 2022
GasDynCalc is still on developing stage. We integrated GUI for two modes: stand alone and network. The stand alone mode is designed to calculate separate parts, such as duct, diffuser, heat exchanger, etc. The network mode is created to model the network of different devices.
GasDynCalc (update, October 30, 2020)
We decided to summarize the current state of GasDynCalc development.
- GUI: on process,
- Duct: basic functions,
- Diffuser: basic functions,
- Confuser: basic functions,
- Heat exchanger: basic functions,
- Compressor: basic functions,
- Porous structure: basic functions,
- Measurement Venturi: on process,
- Control valve: on process,
- Measurement Orifice: on process,
- Ejector: on process,
- Nozzle: basic functions,
- Turbo-expander: on process,
- Turbine: basic functions,
- Dryer: on process,
- X-Element: on process.
GasDynCalc (update, October 29, 2020)
The basic calculation for converged nozzle has been implemented. The diffuser and confuser had been implemented before. We will continue to work for this program.
GasDynCalc (update 02.02.2020)
We got some progress in GasDynCalc. The GUI and main strategy are defined. Some parts have been already implemented. We will continue to work on it. Below there is a GUI of pre-alfa version.

We started to develop a new code to calculate pipes, valves, measurements elements, etc. connected in one network. It will be able to use for designing pipelines, experimental test cells, HVAC, etc.