GTECalc (update 04.09.2019)

Gas dynamic functions have been implemented. We decided to integrate a new class to check all input parameters. Hopefully, it will not be long. The first structure was only main program. Now it is changing to

main program <-> gdf (gas dynamic functions), enthalpy (enthalpy calculation), inlet (inlet calculation), isa (atmosphere input calculation) and inputcheck (input parameters validation).

GTECalc (update 04.06.2019)

We finished to implement a turboprop engine calculation. Now, we try to optimize the code. Firstly, the gas dynamic functions will be implemented, after it we will start to optimize Save, Print, Export functions.

GTECalc (time update, 04.01.2019)

At the current moment, we spent almost 170 hours for GTECalc development. The user manual took around 20 hours. Each engine is around 10 hours, the interface is around 60 hours, the methodology research is 30 hours and testing is 10 hours.

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