Current version is 0.1.16. The development time is 1253 hours.
GTECalc (time update: July 31, 2024)
Current version is 1.0.3. The development time is 247 hours.
GasDynCalc (time update: July 31, 2024)
Current version is 0.2.25. The development time is 292 hours.
Development of CFxD (2024)
We will concentrate next year on development of CFxD. Hopefully, we will get an alpha version.
Happy New Year!
Marry Christmas and Happy New Year!
CFxD (update, December 23, 2023)
We finished to test 1D case with only convection and diffusion terms. Currently, SIMPLE algorithm for 3D is on implementation.
CFxD (update, September 16, 2023)
Mesh generator has been integrated to the code. We started to develop a solver. Currently, 1D case is on test.
CFxD (update, May 15, 2023)
We are actively developing the code. The picking function has been re-written to color picking method instead of mathematical picking and deprecated method with projection. Currently, the function would be applied to all geometrical primitives.
Update on April 4, 2023
We returned fully to our main code: CFxD. Hopefully, some progress would be done during this spring.
GasDynCalc (alpha version release)
We released the alpha version of GasDynCalc. The code is based on 1D calculation and fully free to use. Please, use it carefully as it is the alpha version. Let us know if you have any questions or ideas how to improve it. You can download it here.
Below there is a screen shot of program: